Mabrik - מבריק
MABLIK is a minimum and all-inclusive service package for building and rebuilding Israeli R&D.
We have experienced two major periods of instability that have forced us to reconsider the way we conduct business in Israel.A compact scheme for sustainable growth avoids investment risks for the companies involved. To do.


Information gathering/survey
We always have the most up-to-date list of company information by making full use of interviews with local staff, reports from partner government agencies, and the network of alumni and alumni of our Japanese staff in Israel. At the request of client companies, research companies, and media outlets. , We will also conduct a more detailed investigation. The information will be processed and provided based on the protection regulations agreed upon by each company and PANRAEL.

人材の流動が盛んなイスラエルにおいて, 長期に渡ってキーマンのコンタクトを維持することは容易ではありません. PANRAEL のマネジメントはイスラエル現地で対日本の重要人物として認知されており, カンファレンス / 現地視察において最小手数で大きな効果を得ることに多少の優位性があります.

Although there are some differences between the local system and the Japanese system, we are accustomed to organizing and coordinating the understanding. PANRAEL has a good balance of accuracy and quickness in administrative processing, and we are able to overcome the difficulties that often occur with Israeli companies. It flexibly adapts to deadline settings and contributes to quick grasp of deadlines.

PANRAEL's members are one of the oldest in Israel-related firms and are well aware of the perspectives of different age groups. In addition, each member has experience in their own specialized field. There are no barriers to technical topics.
project management, distribution
All of PANRAEL's management and advisory services have experience in business mergers/splits, subsidiary management, and investment support for operating companies or firms, and we work with external specialized firms, investment companies, etc. to provide clear assessments and curves. Out, PMI strategy planning is possible.

PANRAEL and its affiliated law firms will collectively facilitate communication regarding the compatibility of contracts and agreements concluded between the parties in both countries, the prospects for antitrust laws, protection of intellectual property, legal interpretation, and translation. It will become.