We accelerate business co-creation through a deep understanding of technology, management, and the current situation.
Our network includes multiple experts from both countries. Our members have a deep understanding of how both countries have developed their economies since the founding of Israel, and are innovators in the new industries that have revolutionized the modern world. I have experienced the line.

Medicine, Pharmacy and Health
私達がイスラエル現地で収集した医工連携による成果の候補は, 比較的早い段階で日本側にレポートされます. 私達は内部で情報保護等に関するガイドラインを検討した後, 社内外の複数の医師, 開発者, 機関によって技術的或いは商業的な検査を経てリスティングされ, 最終的なイスラエル企業の承諾のもと, 日本のクライアントへ紹介されます.

transportation, urban planning
In Japan, which is a major country in the automobile industry, we have seen the introduction of Israeli-made solutions from an early stage in particular. We also provide solutions for Japanese people stationed in Israel due to situations such as terrorism, and labor issues for locals. We can help you discover the core of your country. We also help you hedge the geographical risks brought about by the country's land in an orderly manner and provide support to advance technology transfer.

IT, Cybersecurity
In the IT field, where large global companies have set up R&D bases in Israel, there is fierce competition to secure human resources. In order for Japanese IT companies to maintain a strong presence in Israel, they must not only improve working conditions but also secure human resources. We must properly pay attention to the dynamics of the emergence and flow of human resources and take action. We will utilize our network of military personnel, university students, and research students to help secure rare human resources.

material, chemistry
Chemical products and mass production methods are one of the most active areas of research. Israelis are producing results in institutions not only within Israel.
Through regular meetings with researchers in Israel, we support the continuation and development of research by backing up the important period before commercialization and rights acquisition.

environment, agriculture, water resources
While Israel is a country with few resources, it also boasts primary resources and agricultural production that surpass Japan in certain items. Israel has already cultivated the introduction of Agri-tech, which has been slow to spread in Japan. provides advice to Japan's agricultural institutions and businesses on both products and methods.

device, semiconductor
It is one of the areas where the most thorough startup research has been carried out in Israel.
In order to maintain the priority of Japanese projects, we need to continue to show that we can respond quickly to the times and allocate appropriate resources, and we need to pay close attention to the relationships of our offices in the three countries, not only with Israel but also with Europe and the United States.

supply chain, distribution processing
Supply chain management is a secretly advanced field in Israel.On the other hand, it is a field that Japan has developed independently, and we are confident that increased investment in Israel has the potential to realize international superiority. We will organize the issues on the Japanese side and guide you to carry out effective research.

insurance, finance
Japanese companies have not yet achieved majority status in Israel, which has produced several global leaders in Fin-tech. We hope to build more programs based on how European groups operate in Israel. We will help you implement it.

Textiles, rubber, industrial products
These are Israel's traditional main industries, and in today's climate they are finding the core of their business sustainability. Japanese companies can seize the moment and strengthen the pipelines they have already built. We support the execution of investments and loans based on the laws of the relevant countries.